Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The City on a Hill

Piedmont - We moved here in June. Our neighborhood sits at a higher elevation than the surrounding area. This is REALLY cool on the 4th of July because we can see fireworks displays from Kingfisher, Edmond, OKC, Norman, Bethany, Piedmont, Mustang, Yukon, etc. It also makes for some pretty cool sunsets and you can see for miles on a sunny day. However... it hasn't been so cool to our shingles! The winds are horrible and storms that hit the area seem to cause more damage than even this ol' Okie can believe. We have already had our roof replaced and the siding will be replaced in the coming week. Thankfully we had a storm shelter put into our garage last month. I'm thinking about decorating down there for tornado season, which has started early this year. Every time it storms we lose satellite and power - only for short amounts of time, but by the time we get computers and DirectTV back it goes out again. That was the case with my first blog attempt. It was something boring about "I don't know what to say, so I'll post some family pics and you can check back later for something profound." Then the power went out before I can hit save. I'm a fast learner so I've saved this post twice already in the last 2 minutes.
Well... that was it. Profound, huh?